Database Schema
Fred Boniface edited this page 2022-12-21 20:06:09 +00:00

Database Schema

OwlBoard uses MongoDB which is a schema-less NoSQL Document store.

Nevertheless, an unenforced schema does apply due to the format information is imported into the database.

If you are reading this looking to run OwlBoard yourself, the database is setup automatically. See Deployment for more information.

Collection Name Data Format Eg. Desc.
corpus {"NLC":993600,"STANOX":"5111","TIPLOC":"POLMONT","3ALPHA":"PMT","UIC":"99360","NLCDESC":"POLMONT","NLCDESC16":"POLMONT"} Raw data from the Network Rail CORPUS API
stations {"STANOX":"5111","TIPLOC":"POLMONT","3ALPHA":"PMT","NLCDESC16":"POLMONT"} Filtered data from the Network Rail CORPUS API
users NOT IMPLEMENTED Not yet implemented