Containerised OWA
Run OWA in a Docker, Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes environment.
This setup assumes a database on a separate host - to use a containerised database add that to your compose/stack/manifest and ensure the configuration mount is correct for your environment.
This repo provides one nginx and one php-fpm container, both are required to run OWA. Ensure that both the nginx and php-fpm container are of the same version to avoid incomatibilities.
Configure the database connection and OWA config with environment variables passed to the php-fpm container.
|Variable|Value| |OWA_DB_TYPE|mysql| |OWA_DB_NAME|Name of the database| |OWA_DB_HOST|Host/IP of the database server| |OWA_DB_USER|Username for the database| |OWA_DB_PASS|Password for the user| |OWA_PUBLIC_URL|Public URL for the OWA installation| |OWA_SITE_ID|Site ID|