A simple dockerized node-test application.
On starting, each instance calculates a random number between 0-100. A simple GET request to the server responds with: node-test instance {randomNumber}
Where you run a single instance of the container, it allows you to check connectivity with the Docker Host/Kubernetes Cluster.
Where you run multiple instances it allows you to visually see how any load balancing is working.
A Dockerfile is provided, or a package is available: git.fjla.uk/fred.boniface/node-test:latest.
An example deployment file for kubectl is also included - it will likely need changing for your environment. The example uses hostPort to expose the service, you may prefer to adapt it to use ingress or loadBalancer. To use it as is, just run kubectl apply -f https://git.fjla.uk/fred.boniface/node-test/raw/branch/main/deploy.yaml