Hello, world!
"), { keep_spaces_between_attributes: true, keep_comments: true })); ``` All [`Cfg` fields](https://docs.rs/minify-html/latest/minify_html/struct.Cfg.html) are available as snake_case properties on the object provided as the second argument; if any are not set, they default to `false`.Hello, world!
"), { keep_spaces_between_attributes: true, keep_comments: true }); ``` All [`Cfg` fields](https://docs.rs/minify-html/latest/minify_html/struct.Cfg.html) are available as snake_case properties on the object provided as the second argument; if any are not set, they default to `false`.Hello, world!
", cfg); ``` All [`Cfg` fields](https://docs.rs/minify-html/latest/minify_html/struct.Cfg.html) are available as camelCase setter methods on the `Builder`; if any are not set, they default to `false`.Hello, world!
", minify_js=True, remove_processing_instructions=True) ``` All [`Cfg` fields](https://docs.rs/minify-html/latest/minify_html/struct.Cfg.html) are available as Python keyword arguments; if any are omitted, they default to `False`.Hello, world!
", { :keep_spaces_between_attributes => true, :minify_js => true }) ``` All [`Cfg` fields](https://docs.rs/minify-html/latest/minify_html/struct.Cfg.html) are available; if any are omitted, they default to `false`.Hello, world!
"), { keep_spaces_between_attributes: true, keep_comments: true })); ``` All [`Cfg` fields](https://docs.rs/minify-html/latest/minify_html/struct.Cfg.html) are available as snake_case properties on the object provided as the second argument; if any are not set, they default to `false`.Before | After |
↵ ··The·quick·brown·fox↵ ··jumps·over·the·lazy↵ ··dog.↵ ``` |
·The·quick·brown·fox·jumps·over·the·lazy·dog.· ``` |
Before | After |
Before | After |
↵ ··Hey,·I·just·found↵ ··out·about·this·cool·website!↵ ··[1]↵ ``` |
Hey,·I·just·found↵ ··out·about·this·cool·website!↵ ··[1] ``` |
↵ ··Hey,·I·just·found↵ ··out·about·this·cool·website!↵ ··[1]↵
``` ###### After ```htmlHey,·I·just·found·out·about·this·cool·website!·[1]