#!/bin/bash ROOTIN="/data/in" ROOTOUT="/data/out" echo "Running UglifyJS on /data/in folder" uglifyjs-folder "$ROOTIN" -x ".js" -eo "$ROOTOUT" echo "Running UglifyCSS" CSSIN="/data/in/stylesheets/" CSSOUT="/data/out/stylesheets" cd $CSSIN echo "Changed directory" for f in * do if [ -f "$f" ]; then uglifycss "$f" --output "$f"; fi done echo "Moving 'styles' to 'out'" cp -r $CSSIN $CSSOUT echo "Running html-minifier-terser on /folder" HTMLIN="/data/in/" HTMLOUT="/data/out" html-minifier-terser --collapse-whitespace --remove-comments --file-ext html --input-dir /data/in/ --output-dir /data/out/ #echo "Moving JSON Manifest file from root to output" #cat /data/in/manifest.json | jq -c > /data/out/manifest.json echo "Moving other files folder from in/ to out/" cp -r /data/in/assets /data/out/assets cp -r /data/in/fonts /data/out/fonts echo "Running GZIP & Brotli on all HTML, JS, CSS, JSON, SVG & TTF files" find /data/out -type f -name \*.html -or -name \*.js -or -name \*.css -or -name \*.json -or -name \*.svg -or -name \*.ttf | while read file; do gzip -k -9 $file; brotli -k -q 11 $file; done