Move all pages over to new template
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,48 +1,20 @@
<?php include "./php/age.php"; ?>
<?php $page_title = "contact"; ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/menu.php"; ?>
<h1 class="page-title">Contact</h1>
<div class="page-main-content">
<a href="/downloads/vcard.vcf" class="download-link">Add me to your contacts</a>
<h2>Find me elsewhere</h2>
<div class="social-links">
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<source media="(max-width: 600px)" srcset="/images/social-icons/fb_blue_58.png" type="image/png">
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<img src="/images/social-icons/fb_blue_144.png" alt="Facebook Logo">
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<source media="(max-width: 600px)" srcset="/images/social-icons/500px_seek_58.webp" type="image/webp">
<source media="(max-width: 600px)" srcset="/images/social-icons/500px_seek_58.png" type="image/png">
<source srcset="/images/social-icons/500px_seek_114.jxl" type="image/jxl">
<source srcset="/images/social-icons/500px_seek_114.webp" type="image/webp">
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<?php include "./page-blocks/micro-content.php"; ?>
<div class="content hide_micro">
I will build a contact form here. For the moment:
<a href="/downloads/vcard.vcf">Add me to your contacts</a>
<?php include "./page-blocks/footer.php"; ?>
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<?php include "./php/age.php"; ?>
<?php $page_title = "email-safety"; ?>
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<html lang="en">
<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<title>Email Safety</title>
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<?php include "./page-blocks/menu.php"; ?>
<h1 class="page-title">Email Safety</h1>
<div class="page-main-content">
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<?php include "./page-blocks/micro-content.php"; ?>
<div class="content hide_micro">
You are probably here beacuse you clicked a link in an email that I sent you. I was going to link to a quick guide to email safety but all I could find were specific guides aimed at children or the elderly. In the end I decided to throw a rough guide together.
Phishing is a technique used to try and get personal information from you. It could be styled to look like it is from a service that you use or a person that you know. Be on the lookout for:
<dt>Spelling or grammatical errors</dt>
<dd>You will usually see spelling or grammatical errors, some people hypothesise that this is to weed out people that are savvy to the scam before they proceed</dd>
<dt>Urgent calls to action</dt>
<dd>Scam artists will use urgent language to invoke an emotive response, this can prevent you evaluating whether the email is genuine before you act.</dd>
<dt>Unusual sender addresses</dt>
<dd>Scam artists will usually send emails from an unusual looking address such as '' or ''. Elements of the address may even include the name of a trusted business or person.</dd>
Even after checking for all of the above, it could be the case that the scam artist is sending an email from a real, trusted address. This is possible by hacking or spoofing. It is important that your email account is kept secure with a strong password - this helps to prevent your email address being used by scam artists.
Phishing is a technique used to try and get personal information from you. It could be styled to look like it is from a service that you use or a person that you know. Be on the lookout for:
<dt>Spelling or grammatical errors</dt>
<dd>You will usually see spelling or grammatical errors, some people hypothesise that this is to weed out people that are savvy to the scam before they proceed</dd>
<dt>Urgent calls to action</dt>
<dd>Scam artists will use urgent language to invoke an emotive response, this can prevent you evaluating whether the email is genuine before you act.</dd>
<dt>Unusual sender addresses</dt>
<dd>Scam artists will usually send emails from an unusual looking address such as '' or ''. Elements of the address may even include the name of a trusted business or person.</dd>
Even after checking for all of the above, it could be the case that the scam artist is sending an email from a real, trusted address. This is possible by hacking or spoofing. It is important that your email account is kept secure with a strong password - this helps to prevent your email address being used by scam artists.
Generally, email is an insecure means of communication. It is possible for an email to be viewed or tampered with whilst it is being transmitted.
Because of this, it is important that you review links and attachments before opening them. Web browsers are improving on the security front and often alert you if you try to open a link to a scam website or that tries to download a file but you should still hover over the link which can reveal the actual destination. Attachments should be scanned for viruses or threats before you open them.
<h2>Signing & Encryption</h2>
<h2>Signing & Encryption</h2>
There are technologies to digitally sign and/or encrypt email messages, both PGP and S/MIME are available.
As secure instant messaging becomes more widespread email signing and encryption is becoming less common with people leaning towards services such as WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram for secure communication.
S/MIME is more widely supported but does mean that you have to buy a certificate, cheaper certificates do not provide proof of the person sending the email, however your email client can use the certificate to check whether the email has been tampered with. More expensive certificates are available that you can use to prove your identity - these are the type of certificated used to digitally sign documents such as PDF files.
PGP is not as widely supported and is more complicated for the end user, however there is no cost as you generate certificates yourself. It is then up to the sender to validate your identity, you can <a href="./pgp.php">read more about PGP</a> on my PGP page.
PGP is not as widely supported and is more complicated for the end user, however there is no cost as you generate certificates yourself. It is then up to the sender to validate your identity, you can <a href="/keys.php">get my public keys here</a>.
Both S/MIME and PGP also support encryption which involves sharing your certificates public key with others, an email can only be encrypted with that public key. It is also possible to encrypt an email with a password. I won't go on further as email encryption is a bit out of scope here.
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<?php include "./page-blocks/footer.php"; ?>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php include "./php/age.php"; ?>
<?php $page_title = "home"; ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<title>Fred Boniface</title>
<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/menu.php"; ?>
<h1 class="page-title">Hello</h1>
<div class="page-main-content">
I'm Fred Boniface - a <?php echo getAge(1993,11); ?> year old Rail
Professional with many interests outside of work and while I do have
many opinions about the state of the rail industry at present, this
website aims to be about my personal life and interests, rather than my
I am married to Jade and we have two children, Lucy & Ava-Rose - both
in school. I will get around to adding some images to this page - I
To keep this homepage simple and easy to digest, I won't waffle on
about too much here, but there is more to read about each topic on
the relevant page.
<?php include "./page-blocks/footer.php"; ?>
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<?php include "./page-blocks/micro-content.php"; ?>
<div class="content hide_micro">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut eros leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras tempus, leo sit amet placerat sollicitudin, magna massa vehicula nisi, sed malesuada odio velit iaculis est. Cras egestas nec lectus ac ultrices. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse cursus odio et massa finibus consequat non sed dolor. Suspendisse eu leo ut nunc tincidunt lacinia. Sed faucibus eu enim sit amet commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque commodo laoreet odio, ac sollicitudin odio.</p>
<p>Sed volutpat, dolor quis dignissim varius, risus urna tincidunt nulla, non bibendum urna ante eget enim. Pellentesque sit amet neque lobortis, auctor nulla sagittis, bibendum nisl. Proin fermentum tristique dolor, in vehicula mi efficitur et. Fusce ac justo nulla. In eget odio felis. Suspendisse et tellus tincidunt, consequat mi eu, gravida neque. In elementum lacus ut convallis ornare. Mauris elementum lorem felis, et tincidunt massa consectetur in. Suspendisse ut augue blandit, efficitur augue nec, pellentesque odio. Nulla aliquet arcu vitae vehicula ultricies.</p>
<p>Sed eleifend massa sed sagittis malesuada. Phasellus velit urna, congue sit amet felis dictum, congue ornare tortor. Donec consequat lectus sit amet iaculis ornare. Pellentesque luctus, orci a sagittis efficitur, dolor justo convallis dolor, vitae aliquam dolor eros a nunc. Sed suscipit volutpat est ac ultrices. Cras tempus tellus est, eu tristique est gravida eget. Nulla turpis odio, aliquam id vehicula non, dignissim egestas orci. Suspendisse pulvinar enim eu tortor tincidunt, vel luctus purus pellentesque. Curabitur efficitur mollis est, at imperdiet dui auctor a. Ut malesuada lacus ac nulla tempor sollicitudin. Pellentesque enim elit, eleifend eget ligula sit amet, sagittis efficitur elit. Donec blandit tellus ut vestibulum iaculis. Fusce vel ipsum non felis bibendum porttitor a ut dui. Donec ornare augue augue, a elementum justo ornare quis. Praesent ante tellus, blandit in ultricies id, bibendum sit amet mi. Suspendisse tristique ornare erat.</p>
<p>Praesent malesuada sit amet libero eu volutpat. Duis lacinia turpis sit amet malesuada bibendum. Pellentesque ut velit at turpis placerat consequat id sed augue. Cras eleifend augue sem, sed hendrerit nibh feugiat eu. Nam cursus lectus fermentum quam feugiat porttitor. Sed bibendum a enim ut commodo. Maecenas lacinia dolor ante, vel bibendum nulla venenatis aliquam. Aenean ultricies felis eros, quis cursus arcu dictum vitae.</p>
<p>Ut magna urna, pretium tincidunt congue id, sodales sed lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean nec quam ultrices, dignissim velit sit amet, cursus nisl. Duis nec risus a nisl porta fringilla. Phasellus vel fermentum justo, a malesuada ex. Nullam eu metus quis arcu sodales vestibulum. Maecenas efficitur gravida risus vitae pretium. Donec non nulla sodales, consectetur est ut, tristique nisl. Phasellus sed dui sed erat efficitur cursus. Vestibulum eget est purus. Aliquam mi ante, hendrerit ac ornare ac, imperdiet et diam. Nunc fermentum nunc faucibus massa finibus mattis.</p>
<?php include "./page-blocks/footer.php"; ?>
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function inflateSidebar() {
document.getElementById("sidebar").style.width = "150px";
function collapseSidebar() {
document.getElementById("sidebar").style.width = "0px";
function sidebarOpen() {
document.getElementById("sidebar").style.width = "50%";
document.getElementById("sidebar_open_short").style.display = "none";
@ -1,23 +1,33 @@
<?php include "./php/age.php"; ?>
<?php $page_title = "keys"; ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/menu.php"; ?>
<h1 class="page-title">Keys</h1>
<div class="page-main-content">
<?php include "./page-blocks/head-img.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/menu.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/micro-content.php"; ?>
<div class="content hide_micro">
I'll publish my public keys here, primarily so I have easy access to them
myself. You can use them to check my identity when I send signed emails, etc.
<a href="/downloads/">Download SSH Public Key</a>
My current public SSH key has no expiry date.
<a href="/downloads/">Download Public SSH key</a>
<?php include "./page-blocks/footer.php"; ?>
My GPG Key is currently unavailable
I do not currently hold a valid S/MIME Certificate
<?php include "./page-blocks/footer.php"; ?>
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
<?php include "./php/age.php"; ?>
<?php $page_title = "home"; ?>
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<div class="content hide_micro">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut eros leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras tempus, leo sit amet placerat sollicitudin, magna massa vehicula nisi, sed malesuada odio velit iaculis est. Cras egestas nec lectus ac ultrices. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse cursus odio et massa finibus consequat non sed dolor. Suspendisse eu leo ut nunc tincidunt lacinia. Sed faucibus eu enim sit amet commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque commodo laoreet odio, ac sollicitudin odio.</p>
<p>Sed volutpat, dolor quis dignissim varius, risus urna tincidunt nulla, non bibendum urna ante eget enim. Pellentesque sit amet neque lobortis, auctor nulla sagittis, bibendum nisl. Proin fermentum tristique dolor, in vehicula mi efficitur et. Fusce ac justo nulla. In eget odio felis. Suspendisse et tellus tincidunt, consequat mi eu, gravida neque. In elementum lacus ut convallis ornare. Mauris elementum lorem felis, et tincidunt massa consectetur in. Suspendisse ut augue blandit, efficitur augue nec, pellentesque odio. Nulla aliquet arcu vitae vehicula ultricies.</p>
<p>Sed eleifend massa sed sagittis malesuada. Phasellus velit urna, congue sit amet felis dictum, congue ornare tortor. Donec consequat lectus sit amet iaculis ornare. Pellentesque luctus, orci a sagittis efficitur, dolor justo convallis dolor, vitae aliquam dolor eros a nunc. Sed suscipit volutpat est ac ultrices. Cras tempus tellus est, eu tristique est gravida eget. Nulla turpis odio, aliquam id vehicula non, dignissim egestas orci. Suspendisse pulvinar enim eu tortor tincidunt, vel luctus purus pellentesque. Curabitur efficitur mollis est, at imperdiet dui auctor a. Ut malesuada lacus ac nulla tempor sollicitudin. Pellentesque enim elit, eleifend eget ligula sit amet, sagittis efficitur elit. Donec blandit tellus ut vestibulum iaculis. Fusce vel ipsum non felis bibendum porttitor a ut dui. Donec ornare augue augue, a elementum justo ornare quis. Praesent ante tellus, blandit in ultricies id, bibendum sit amet mi. Suspendisse tristique ornare erat.</p>
<p>Praesent malesuada sit amet libero eu volutpat. Duis lacinia turpis sit amet malesuada bibendum. Pellentesque ut velit at turpis placerat consequat id sed augue. Cras eleifend augue sem, sed hendrerit nibh feugiat eu. Nam cursus lectus fermentum quam feugiat porttitor. Sed bibendum a enim ut commodo. Maecenas lacinia dolor ante, vel bibendum nulla venenatis aliquam. Aenean ultricies felis eros, quis cursus arcu dictum vitae.</p>
<p>Ut magna urna, pretium tincidunt congue id, sodales sed lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean nec quam ultrices, dignissim velit sit amet, cursus nisl. Duis nec risus a nisl porta fringilla. Phasellus vel fermentum justo, a malesuada ex. Nullam eu metus quis arcu sodales vestibulum. Maecenas efficitur gravida risus vitae pretium. Donec non nulla sodales, consectetur est ut, tristique nisl. Phasellus sed dui sed erat efficitur cursus. Vestibulum eget est purus. Aliquam mi ante, hendrerit ac ornare ac, imperdiet et diam. Nunc fermentum nunc faucibus massa finibus mattis.</p>
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<img src="/images/headers/index/face-100.webp" alt="Face image">
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<?php $page_title = "projects"; ?>
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<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/head.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/menu.php"; ?>
<h1 class="page-title">Projects</h1>
<div class="page-main-content">
<p>Sorry, there's nothing here yet</p>
<p>In the meantime check out my <a href="">Gitea</a> or <a href="/contact.php">Social Links</a></p>
<?php include "./page-blocks/footer.php"; ?>
<?php include "./page-blocks/head-img.php"; ?>
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<?php include "./page-blocks/micro-content.php"; ?>
<div class="content hide_micro">
I haven't written any content here yet.
In the meantime, <a href="">visit my Gitea Server</a>.
<?php include "./page-blocks/footer.php"; ?>
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user