// OwlBoard - © Fred Boniface 2022 - Licensed under GPLv3 (or later) // Please see the included LICENSE file. Statically served fonts are // licensed separately, each folder contains a license file where a // different license applies. // While the Node app can serve static files, in production a separate // container should be used for this. See the dockerfile under /static // for this. // External Requires const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const compression = require('compression') // Internal Requires const log = require('./src/utils/log.utils'); // Log Helper const version = require('./src/configs/version.configs'); // Version Strings const listRtr = require('./src/routes/list.routes'); // /list endpoints const ldbRtr = require('./src/routes/ldb.routes'); // /ldb endpoints const kubeRtr = require('./src/routes/kube.routes'); // /kube endpoints const findRtr = require('./src/routes/find.routes'); // /find endpoints const issueRtr = require('./src/routes/issue.routes') // /issue endpoints const statRtr = require('./src/routes/stats.routes'); // /stat endpoints const initDb = require('./src/utils/dbinit.utils'); // DB Init Utility // Set Server Configurations const srvListen = process.env.OWL_SRV_LISTEN || "" const srvPort = process.env.OWL_SRV_PORT || 8460 // Print version number: log.out(`app: Starting OwlBoard - Backend Version: ${version.app} - API versions: ${version.api}`); // Test for required vars: // const varTest = require('./src/utils/varTest.utils'); // var startTest = await varTest.varTest(); //console.log("Required Vars Missing:", startTest.missing_required); //console.log("Desired Vars Missing:", startTest.missing_desired); // if startTest.pass == false // console.log("Unable to start, missing required vars") // exit app // DB Init initDb.init(); // Express Error Handling: app.use((err, req, res, next) => { const statusCode = err.statuscode || 500; console.error(err.message, err.stack); res.status(statusCode).json({'message': err.message}); return; }); // Express Submodules: app.use(express.json()); //JSON Parsing for POST Requests app.use(express.static('static')); //Serve static content from /static app.use(compression()) // Express Routes app.use('/api/v1/list', listRtr); app.use('/api/v1/ldb', ldbRtr); app.use('/api/v1/kube', kubeRtr); app.use('/api/v1/find', findRtr); app.use('/api/v1/issue', issueRtr); app.use('/api/v1/stats', statRtr) // Start Express app.listen(srvPort, srvListen, (error) =>{ if(!error) { log.out(`app.listen: Listening on http://${srvListen}:${srvPort}`); log.out("app.listen: State - alive") } else { log.out("app.listen: Error occurred, server can't start", error); } });