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Check your emails

An email containing a magic link has been sent

Click the link on the device that you want to use OwlBoard on - don't worry, you can use the same address to sign up on another device

Do note that you will only be signed in in the browser you open the link with and can only be used once

Do check your spam or junk folder if you don't see the email in the next ten minutes.

For your privacy, only the 'host' part of your email address has been stored for example "@owlboard.info"

We couldn't sign you up

Sorry, we couldn't sign you up at the moment.

The error message is:

Please try again later, if you still can't sign up then check that you are using a valid railway email address. You can submit an issue if you think there is something wrong on our end.

We're not sure if that worked

Sorry, we don't know if the signup worked, do check your emails and try again if you don't receive one from us.

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