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2023-07-19 21:31:00 +01:00
package vstp
import (
// Unmarshals the JSON data and runs it through the formatData() function and returns the data in a DB ready Struct
func unmarshalData(jsonData []byte) database.Service {
var schedule upstreamApi.Schedule
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &schedule)
if err != nil {
log.Msg.Error("Unable to unmarshal message body: " + err.Error())
//return err
return formatData(schedule)
// Transforms the upstreamApi.Schedule type into a database.Service type
func formatData(dataInput upstreamApi.Schedule) database.Service {
service := database.Service{
TransactionType: dataInput.TransactionType,
StpIndicator: dataInput.CIFSTPIndicator,
Operator: dataInput.ScheduleSegment.ATOCCode,
TrainUid: dataInput.CIFTrainUID,
Headcode: dataInput.ScheduleSegment.SignallingID,
PowerType: dataInput.ScheduleSegment.CIFPowerType,
PlanSpeed: parseSpeed(dataInput.ScheduleSegment.CIFSpeed),
ScheduleStartDate: parseDate(dataInput.ScheduleStartDate, false),
ScheduleEndDate: parseDate(dataInput.ScheduleEndDate, true),
DaysRun: parseDaysRun(dataInput.ScheduleDaysRun),
Stops: parseStops(dataInput.ScheduleSegment.ScheduleLocation),
return service
// Uses the map provided in 'helpers' to translate incorrect CIF speeds to their correct equivalent
func parseSpeed(CIFSpeed string) int32 {
log.Msg.Debug("CIFSpeed Input: " + CIFSpeed)
actualSpeed, exists := helpers.SpeedMap[CIFSpeed]
if !exists {
actualSpeed = CIFSpeed
log.Msg.Debug("Corrected Speed: " + actualSpeed)
speed, err := strconv.ParseInt(actualSpeed, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
log.Msg.Warn("Unable to parse speed: " + CIFSpeed + " " + actualSpeed)
return 0
return int32(speed)
// Converts the date string provided from the upstream API into a proper Date type and adds a time
func parseDate(dateString string, end bool) time.Time {
log.Msg.Debug("Date Input: " + dateString)
date, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", dateString)
if err != nil {
log.Msg.Error("Unable to parse date: " + dateString)
return time.Time{}
log.Msg.Debug("Parsed date: " + date.String())
var hour, minute, second, nanosecond int
location := time.UTC
if end {
hour, minute, second, nanosecond = 23, 59, 59, 999999999
} else {
hour, minute, second, nanosecond = 0, 0, 0, 0
dateWithTime := time.Date(date.Year(), date.Month(), date.Day(), hour, minute, second, nanosecond, location)
return dateWithTime
// Converts the binary stype 'daysRun' field into an array of short days
func parseDaysRun(daysBinary string) []string {
log.Msg.Debug("daysRun Input: " + daysBinary)
shortDays := []string{"m", "t", "w", "th", "f", "s", "su"}
var result []string
for i, digit := range daysBinary {
if digit == '1' {
result = append(result, shortDays[i])
return result
// Converts an array if upstreamApi.ScheduleLocation types to an array of database.Stop types
func parseStops(inputStops []upstreamApi.ScheduleLocation) []database.Stop {
var stops []database.Stop
for _, loc := range inputStops {
stop := database.Stop{
PublicDeparture: &loc.PublicDepartureTime,
WttDeparture: &loc.ScheduledDepartureTime,
PublicArrival: &loc.PublicArrivalTime,
WttArrival: &loc.ScheduledArrivalTime,
IsPublic: loc.PublicDepartureTime != "" || loc.PublicArrivalTime != "",
Tiploc: loc.Location.Tiploc.TiplocID,
stops = append(stops, stop)
return stops