26 lines
812 B
26 lines
812 B
import { page } from "$app/stores";
import Header from "$lib/navigation/header.svelte";
import Nav from "$lib/navigation/nav.svelte";
const title = "OwlBoard - Error";
<Header {title} />
<h1>{$page.status}: {$page?.error?.message}</h1>
{#if $page.status === 404}
<p>There's no light at the end of this tunnel</p>
<p>The page you are looking for doesn't exist, use the tabs below to find another page.</p>
{:else if $page.status === 500}
Something went wrong loading the app.<br />
Try going <a href="/">home</a> and try again.
<p>If the problem persists, you can report an issue from the 'More' menu.</p>
<p>Not sure what went wrong, please try again later or report an issue from the 'More' menu.</p>
<Nav />