Page pathname now contains trailing '/' due to Sveltekit changes.
owlboard-svelte is the OwlBoard web-frontend as of version 2023.7.1 replacing the previous version ( and moving from a raw HTML/CSS/JS to a statically build Svelte website.
The decision was made because as new features were added, the markup and code started to become difficult to manage and maintain. The Svelte version introduces reusable components simplifying the maintenance and the addition of new features.
To build owlboard-svelte, simply clone the repo and run npm run build
which will build a static website in the build
folder. The static files can then be uplaoded to a webserver of your choice.
The website is build statically for server performance reasons - running an nginx server is lighter than running Node considering that much of the data fetching and processing happens on the client side anyway due to user UUID access keys being required.
Any new code added to the website should be written in TypeScript - where Javascript is extended, it should be re-written into TypeScript.