OwlBoard Components

OwlBoard is powered by several programs.


The OwlBoard website is powered by Svelte. The speed is improved by installing components into your browser to reduce the amount of data that flows between the server and your device.

It has been designed to work well over very weak connections.

API Server

The OwlBoard API Server is powered by ExpressJS. The responses are kept as small as possible to improve performance over weak connections.

The API Server is what provides data to the OwlBoard website.

Timetable Manager

timetable-mgr is the newest addition to the OwlBoard suite. Replacing db-manager.

timetable-mgr fetches timetable data from Network Rail daily, and also listens for VSTP messages which adds VSTP planned trains into the local timetable.

It is written in Go for fast performance.

Diagram Parser

dg-parser reads diagrams and extracts headcodes and PIS codes before referencing the timetable to find which service the PIS code is valid for. These PIS codes are then semi-automatically added to OwlBoard.