import os from pymongo import MongoClient import time, datetime import urllib.parse import logger as log db_host = os.getenv('OWL_DB_HOST', 'localhost') db_port = os.getenv('OWL_DB_PORT', 27017) db_user = urllib.parse.quote_plus(os.getenv('OWL_DB_USER', "owl")) db_pass = urllib.parse.quote_plus(os.getenv('OWL_DB_PASS', "twittwoo")) db_name = os.getenv('OWL_DB_NAME', "owlboard") log.out(f" Database URI: {db_host}:{db_port}", "DBUG") client = MongoClient(f"mongodb://{db_user}:{db_pass}@{db_host}:{db_port}") db = client[db_name] log.out(" Mongo module loaded", "DBUG") def metaCheckTime(target): col = db["meta"] res = col.find_one({"target": target, "type": "collection"}) incrementCounter("meta") if type(res) is dict: if 'updated' in res: readable_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(res["updated"]) log.out(f'mongo.metaUpdateTime: {target} last updated at {readable_datetime}', "INFO") return res["updated"] log.out(f'mongo.metaUpdatetime: {target} does not exist', "EROR") return 0 def metaUpdateTime(target): col = db["meta"] log.out(f'mongo.metaUpdateTime: Updating updated time for {target}', "DBUG") res = col.update_one({"target": target, "type":"collection"}, {"$set":{"updated": int(time.time()),"target":target, "type":"collection"}}, upsert=True) incrementCounter("meta") def getLength(collection): col = db[collection] incrementCounter(collection) return col.count_documents({}) def createSingleIndex(collection, field): col = db[collection] col.create_index(field) incrementCounter(collection) log.out(f'mongo.createSingleIndex: Created index of {field} in {collection}', "INFO") return def createTtlIndex(collection, field, time): col = db[collection] col.create_index(field, expireAfterSeconds = time) log.out(f'mongo.createTtlIndex: Created TTL Index of {field} in {collection} to expire after {time} seconds', "INFO") def putMany(collection :str, data :list, indexed_fields :list = []): log.out(f"mongo.putMany: Inserting many documents to: {collection}") col = db[collection] incrementCounter(collection) col.insert_many(data, ordered= False) metaUpdateTime(collection) for item in indexed_fields: createSingleIndex(collection, item) def incrementCounter(target): collection = "meta" col = db[collection] col.update_one({"target": "counters","type": "count"}, {"$inc":{target: 1}}) return def metaCounters(): collection = "meta" col = db[collection] res = col.find_one({"target": "counters","type": "count"}) if type(res) is dict: if 'since' in res: log.out('mongo.metaCounters: counters already exists, skipping', "INFO") incrementCounter(collection) return log.out('mongo.metaCounters: counters does not exist, creating', "INFO") col.update_one({"target": "counters","type": "count"}, {"$set":{"target": "counters","type": "count","since": int(time.time())}}, upsert=True) incrementCounter(collection) return def putVersion(version): collection = "versions" col = db[collection] res = col.update_one({"target": "dbmanager"}, {"$set":{"target": "dbmanager", "component":"dbmanager","version": version}}, upsert=True) return def putTimetable(data): data_length = len(data) log.out(f"mongo.putTimetable: Adding {data_length} documents to the database") collection = "timetable" col = db[collection] res = col.insert_many(data,ordered = False) def dropCollection(collection): log.out(f"mongo.dropCollection: Dropping collection '{collection}'") col = db[collection] res = col.drop() def deleteTimetableData(query): collection = "timetable" col = db[collection] log.out(f"mongo.deleteTimetableData: Deleting entry matching {query}") res = col.delete_one(query) def getMetaHash(target): collection = "meta" col = db[collection] res = col.find_one({"target": target, "type": "collection"}) incrementCounter("meta") if type(res) is dict: if 'updated' in res: try: return res["hash"] except: return None return None def putMetaHash(target :str, hash :str): collection = "meta" col = db[collection] filter = { "target": target, "type": "collection" } update = { "target": target, "type": "collection", "hash": hash } res = col.update_one(filter, {"$set": update}, upsert=True) def query(collection, query): col = db[collection] incrementCounter(collection) return col.find_one(query) def deleteMany(collection :str, filter :dict): col = db[collection] incrementCounter(collection) return col.delete_many(filter)