# OwlBoard OwlBoard is both a backend API, and a frontend Arrival/Departure board webapp. Powered by Node.JS and using the ldbs-json module, the OwlBoard API provides up to date train departure information for any station in the UK. ## Build To build the application with Docker, clone the repository and run `docker build` ## API Endpoints: API Documentation has been removed as it is now out of date. I do intent to re-write the documentation at a later date. ## Configuration: Configuration options are set through environment variables. These configuration options are shared with other programs in the OwlBoard ecosystem. |VAR|DEFAULT|REQUIRED|PURPOSE| |:-:|:-----:|:------:|:-----:| |OWL_SRV_PORT|8460|NO|Web Server Port| |OWL_SRV_LISTEN||NO|Web Server Listen Address| |OWL_DB_USER|owl|NO|Database Username| |OWL_DB_PASS|twittwoo|NO|Database Password - Do not leave as default in production| |OWL_DB_NAME|owlboard|NO|Database Name| |OWL_DB_PORT|27017|NO|Database Server Port| |OWL_DB_HOST|localhost|NO|Database Server Host| |OWL_LDB_KEY||YES|National Rail LDBWS API Key| |OWL_LDB_SVKEY||NO|National Rail LDBSVWS API Key| |OWL_LDB_CORPUSUSER||YES|Network Rail NROD Username| |OWL_LDB_CORPUSPASS||YES|Network Rail NROD Password| |OWL_GIT_ISSUEBOT||NO|Gitea API Key for issue reporting| |OWL_GIT_APIENDPOINT||NO|Gitea API Endpoint| In the case that OWL_LDB_SVKEY is not available, staff versions of departure board, etc. will not be available. In the case that OWL_GIT_ISSUEBOT is not available, the 'Report Issue' page will not be able to POST data. ## Database OwlBoard uses MongoDB The OwlBoard database is managed by the dbmanager application which will configure and maintain the database and should be run at least twice a day to ensure timetable data is up to date, see https://git.fjla.uk/owlboard/db-manager.